Thursday, July 2, 2009

4th of JULY

The 4th will soon be upon us. Burgers, hot dogs, buns and beer have been flying out of Wal-Marts all over our great land. Plans have been made to attend a picnic, concert or fireworks display by most Americans. That is terrific, BUT......

If it weren't for the people on the radio saying that this is a time to remember those who are serving our country, how many of us would actually take a moment to think about them?
How many Americans will take a minute, JUST ONE MINUTE and saya prayer for the safety of our troops all over the world? Will you????

My father served in WWII in Europe. He fought for the Bridge at Remagen and was awarded a Bronze star with "V" for his actions. I served in Vietnam and am a service connected disabled veteran due to Post traumatic Stress Disorder and the effects of being exposed to Agent Orange. My step-son who I have raised since he was 3 (read that son), Served in Kuwait with flights into Bagdad every three days and in Afghanistan. He is also a service connected disabled veteran. My youngest son plans to also join the military when he gets out of High School in three years. My family is proud to have served. Both my son and I would do it all again even knowing what the outcome would be.

We love the United States an know that even with her flaws she is the best country on this planet. We will be praying for our servicemen and women on the 4th like we do everyday.
We will be praying for our veterans. I will be here on the Internet trying to help any veteran who needs help getting a claim through the maze known as the VA.

I will continue my fight to convince the President, The House and The Senate that the VA should be fully funded so that all veterans can get the health care they deserve. Our veterans went into the military and wrote a blank check to our government it said

Pay to the order of the US Government
any amount up to and including my life

Would you write that check??? Don't you think that the men and women we have serving today who have written that check deserve more than a magnet on your car?
Please consider joining me in getting the VA Fully Funded.

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