Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Birthers vs Obama

This is the only time you will see me post or say anything about President Obama's Birth Certificate.

I never thought his birth certificate was an issue so I have not touched the issue. ....


I did have one lingering question that was finally answered today. The question why not just release the document when the question first came out? Why wait two years?

The question was answered today in an email I received from "Julianna Smoot," <>

the email states in small print on the bottom "paid for by Obama for America"

This is the deal. Make a contribution to the Obama campaign and get a free mug WITH THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE ON IT! Yep, donate $15 or more and they will send you mug. What? A mug not your thing? $25 or more will get you a tee shirt with Obama's picture on the front and his birth certificate on the back.

So my friends here you have it. The "Birthers" fell into the Obama machine's trap! They made such an issue out of a non-issue that now the Obama campaign is using it as a fundraiser! Ingenious on their part wouldn't you say?

All their Kool-aid drinking followers will be walking around wearing these $3 tee-shirts that they willingly gave $25 for while drinking their Kool-aid out of $1 mugs they paid $15 for. Question is who are the real I-D ten-Ts? The birthers or the people buying these mugs and shirts?

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